Put Saturday 2nd December 2017 in your diaries for the Chertsey Goose Fair.
For further information please visit
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Council is embarking on an important consultation regarding the future planning policies for the Borough.
The Council is responsible for looking forward and setting the level of housing and employment provision that is needed in Runnymede up to the year 2035, as well as for devising a strategy which protects communities from flood risk and which safeguards valued landscapes. This task is an important one that has the potential to affect the lives of residents and workers in the Borough, both now and in the future.
There are important questions that need to be explored at this Issues, Options and Preferred Approaches stage in order to ensure that the process of delivering the new Local Plan is sound from the beginning. These include key considerations around how many new homes and jobs should be provided to 2035 and where they should be directed to.
The Issues, Options and Preferred Approaches document sets out the issues that the Council considers are facing Runnymede over the next 20 years, the potential options for dealing with these issues, and, based on the evidence, what the Council think the preferred strategy/approach should be in each case.
We would like to hear your views. You are welcome to comment on every issue and option set out in the document, or if you are interested in just one or two, please comment specifically on those. We would also like to know if:
-you agree with the Council’s preferred approach where indicated, and
-you consider the Council has correctly identified all the issues and all reasonable options/sites for strategies in each topic area or whether any additional options/sites should have been considered. Your views will help us to choose the best strategy, policies and mix of development land for the Borough up to 2035.
The consultation material is available on the Runnymede website The documentation is also available to view at the Civic Centre and the libraries in the borough.
This statutory consultation is open from Wednesday 6th July until 5:00 pm on Wednesday 17th August. Representations must be made in writing. Anonymous representations will not be accepted. Any comments that could be construed as derogatory towards any particular individual or group will not be recorded or considered.
We would like you to send us your views electronically if possible. You can complete the questionnaire on our website or download a copy of the questionnaire to complete and email back to us at
If you cannot do this, please request and return a printed copy of the questionnaire. Please clearly mark any additional sheets with your name and ensure that you confirm which part of the document you are referring to. Please send your completed questionnaire to:
The Policy and Strategy team,
Runnymede Borough Council,
Civic Centre,
Station Road,
KT15 2AH.
Comments will be reported to the Council’s Planning Committee and will help us to prepare a submission version of the Local Plan which we will consult on later in the year.
If you need help with your representation please contact us using the details provided below.
Richard Ford, Planning Policy Manager: 01932 425278
Georgina Pacey, Assistant Planning Policy Manager: 01932 425248
Cheryl Brunton, Senior Planning Officer: 01932 425267
Jane Peberdy, Senior Planning Officer: 01932 425252
John Devonshire, Senior Planning Officer: 01932 425635
Anna Murray, Planning Assistant: 01932 425274.
During the consultation period policy and strategy officers will also be available to answer queries in person at the council offices, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm.
The Dragons Den Enterprise Challenge is taking place again with pupils from Stepgates School who are endeavouring to raise money, in particular for their much needed school swimming pool. Dragons from local businesses within the Chertsey Chamber will mentor the different groups and help them bring their business ideas to fruition. The process is in it's initial stages at the moment and we will update you along the way.
Exciting things are happening in Addlestone! A new town centre, anchored by Waitrose, Premier Inn and The Light multiplex cinema is being created and set for completion in 2017.
We're delighted to attach a bit more information on the site which we think you'll find of interest.
Runnymede Borough Council have produced the 2015 Runnymede Borough Guide, which this year is a special souvenir edition to mark the 800th anniversary of the historically important Magna Carta.
The guide includes historical information as well as details of special events that have been arranged to commemorate the occasion.
Thank you to everybody who attended our Property Forum breakfast at the River Bourne Club a few weeks ago and making it such a great success. We hope everybody enjoyed it and found it as informative as we did.
A brief summary of what was discussed will soon be available for download from here.
Runnymede Borough Council has begun working on its new Local Plan and, as part of the underpinning evidence, a report to identify the Functional Economic Area(s) (FEA) that Runnymede Borough is located in has been produced.
The report has been produced in line with national policy and planning guidance which requires local authorities to have a good understanding of the larger economic area of which they are part, so that they can clearly identify which neighbouring authorities they need to work with on the development of their evidence base, consistent with the Duty to Cooperate in plan making.
Please click here to read a draft document of the Runnymede FEA analysis report and if you have any suggestions, Georgina Pacey ( and Rachel Raynaud ( would like to hear from you with any comments, queries or views that you might have.
Around this time last year many were suffering from flooding issues and unfortunate affects of the results of it.
Keep up to date with the Get Surrey flood alert map here:
Thorpe Park are to build a new indoor attraction which is due to open in 2016. The building, which will be 'warehouse style' will stand 10 metres and will cover an area of approximately 2,620 sq m. To make space for it, various sections of the park are being redesigned and all the park have revealed is to 'watch this space, we're very excited'
Chertsey welcomes Aston Mean to its high Street. The office in Windsor Street is being completely rebranded with new-look Aston Mead signage and display. The sales and lettings agency is now fully integrated with Claud Waterer.
They will work closely with the previous owners of Claud Waterer who continue to trade as Claud Waterer Commercial housed in the offices above.